we are a creative

experiential agency


Experiential campaign

Dare to dream

How would you imagine a brand’s purpose, ‘energize to seize opportunity? We made it real, with a customizable dream bottle as a fitting vehicle to drive conversation, collaboration, and inspiration. Are you brave enough to share your dream with the world?

When people, play and motivation come together, 
we’re good. 

Like, good good. As in, dream-bottle-good. Let’s be honest, dreams are shared over a beer – right? A testimony to human nature, guts, and glory, Bud’s dream bottle is a playful invitation to live up to our inner dreams. Inspired by the idea that great things can happen when dreams are shared, WINK came up with the idea for a Dare to Dream campaign that energized people to seize opportunities and fulfil their most cherished desire.

The online bottle configurator helped create over 10,000 bottles. Each dream bottle features a unique dream on the label together with a picture of the dreamer on the crest. The contestant with the most elusive wish was awarded a 25K price money to realize the dream. Several more modest dreamers also saw their dreams come true — think attending a festival or soccer match.

When people, play and motivation come together, 
we’re good. 

Like, good good. As in, dream-bottle-good. Let’s be honest, dreams are shared over a beer – right? A testimony to human nature, guts, and glory, Bud’s dream bottle is a playful invitation to live up to our inner dreams. Inspired by the idea that great things can happen when dreams are shared, WINK came up with the idea for a Dare to Dream campaign that energized people to seize opportunities and fulfil their most cherished desire.

The online bottle configurator helped create over 10,000 bottles. Each dream bottle features a unique dream on the label together with a picture of the dreamer on the crest. The contestant with the most elusive wish was awarded a 25K price money to realize the dream. Several more modest dreamers also saw their dreams come true — think attending a festival or soccer match.

"WINK is a pro-active, innovative and creative partner that is able to link our brand to the right target group in Dutch culture"
Linda Elberse, Brand Manager
Bud, Anheuser-Busch Inbev

The successful 360 campaign, which increased the brand’s market share by 50%, included a microsite, enhanced by social media and influencer campaigns. Making use of CGI technology and DOOH accelerated the pace with which dreams were unleashed into the real world. 

To fuel engagement, we used social media as a tool to connect dreamers with similar aspirations. Making it real. Embracing culture, by inviting ambassadors such as TV host and YouTube star Defano Holwijn to inspire and set the example.


Dream bottles were sold both online and in stores. Messages of dreamers bold enough to speak up and take action appeared on billboards, boarding in stadiums and spread rapidly over social media. A direct invitation to step up and own your dream, the dream bottle’s inspiring messages reached many more hearts and souls, encouraging others to dare to dream, too.

Are you brave enough to share your dream with the world?